by: Gary Coates, Nickel Institute – PPSSI
Each family of stainless steels has its strengths and weaknesses. Ferritic stainless steels have useful properties – a lower rate of thermal expansion, higher thermal conductivity, strong ferromagnetism and very high resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC). When looking at selecting any alloys, it is important to consider all the factors for successful usage.
Ferritic stainless steels have useful properties – a lower rate of thermal expansion, higher thermal conductivity, strong ferromagnetism and very high resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
The ferritic family ranges from 409 with a minimum chromium content of 10.5% to the super ferritic alloys with pitting corrosion resistance comparable to the 6% Mo austenitic alloys.
Ferritic stainless alloys contain either no nickel or very small amounts, so the cost of the alloying elements used is lower. Despite this advantage, growth of the ferritic family over the last 10 years has been lower than the growth of the 300 series austenitics. Why is that?
Many reasons explain why growth of the ferritic family over the last 10 years has been lower than the growth of the 300 series austenitics
1. Limitations in thicker ferritic material
Firstly, there are limitations in thicker ferritic material, with the maximum thickness dependent on factors including large grain sizes (lower ductility), poor toughness (ductile-to-brittle transition can be as high as 20oC), quick formation of intermetallic phases in the higher alloyed ferritics, and others.
As a result, thicker sections are not generally available, and even if they were, obtaining suitable properties in welds would be difficult or impossible
2. Limitations at high temperature use
In addition, ferritic stainless steels with a chromium content over 12% are subject to embrittlement at temperatures over about 300oC, limiting their elevated temperature use. 409, with lower Chromium at 10.5-11.75%, has been successfully used for exhaust systems on vehicles and for exhaust gases from boilers.
Ferritic stainless alloys also lose strength at elevated temperatures compared with austenitic alloys. Toughness is a big issue – ASME Section VIII Division 1 for example, requires all ferritic stainless alloys thicker than 3mm, where the design temperature is lower than -29oC, to pass Charpy V-notch impact tests. Common 300 series alloys, need this only when the design temperature is below -196oC.
3. loss of strength and toughness
Ferritic stainless alloys also lose strength at elevated temperatures compared with austenitic alloys. Toughness is a big issue – ASME Section VIII Division 1 for example, requires all ferritic stainless alloys thicker than 3mm, where the design temperature is lower than -29oC, to pass Charpy V-notch impact tests. Common 300 series alloys, need this only when the design temperature is below -196oC.
4. Formability, ductility and yield strength
Ferritic stainless steels are produced primarily in sheet thicknesses. Their formability is generally quite good, a lot like carbon steel, but not as good as the 300 series austenitic alloys. Ferritic alloys can be cold worked only to a moderate level, but are normally used in the fully annealed condition.
Their yield strength at 20oC can be slightly higher than for an annealed 300 series alloy, with their tensile strength slightly lower.
Ductility as measured by the percent elongation is significantly lower.
And what about corrosion resistance and the role of nickel?
After all, the Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PREN) doesn’t contain a factor for nickel? Some PREN formulas do have a small factor for nickel, but PREN describes resistance to pitting initiation, whereas nickel is important in slowing the propagation of pitting. There are chemical environments, like moderately reducing conditions, where nickel plays an important role. For chloride SCC, while 304 and 316L are highly susceptible, the 6%Mo austenitic alloys are highly resistant, roughly as resistant as the superduplex alloys.
The ferritics are however highly susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement, whereas the nickel-containing 300 series are not.
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Of particular relevance is The Nickel Advantage, Nickel in Stainless Steels, available in English, French, Japanese and Chinese.
This is the third article in a series of communications comparing possible alternative grades to 300 series stainless steels.